“The past has no power over the present”
The Power Of Now
Table of Contents
“The Power of Now” is a spiritual self-help book, that teaches us how to discover our true Being, let go of our pain, and find deep inner peace. We respond from deep consciousness and flow with ease and joy in life when we are intensely present in the Now. By doing so, we can better fulfill our outer purpose (to achieve goals and seek to make the world a better place) while also fulfilling our inner purpose and truly changing the world. In this summary, we’ll go over various insights and tips on mindfulness, spiritual enlightenment, and how to harness the power of the present moment.
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Tolle began the power of now book by recounting the events and experiences that led to his “enlightenment.” For many years, he had suffered from anxiety and even suicidal depression, as had many others. Then, at the age of 29, he had a personal epiphany that changed the course of his life.
Tolle only realized the full extent of his transformation years later, and this the power of now book serves as a spiritual self-help guide, capturing what he has discovered through his experience and years of spiritual study. The book is organized in a Q&A format, with answers to frequently asked questions about spiritual enlightenment. In our summary, we divided some of the key ideas and exercises into five major sections.
One key concept in the book is that we are, at our core, pure consciousness, beings of love, joy, and peace. However, the majority of us are suffering and in pain because we have unknowingly identified with our minds and a false sense of self. Simply put, enlightenment means regaining awareness of our true Being and being deeply connected to Being.

The power of now metion that mind is a powerful tool when used correctly. The problem is that most of us do not use our minds consciously; instead, we are controlled by our minds, with constant mental noise and a false sense of identity.
Let’s take a quick break for a quick exercise: Take a moment to ask yourself, “Who am I, and what do I stand for?” Do you answer questions about your possessions, job title, social status, education, abilities, relationships, beliefs, religion, or even family history? Do you realize that the majority of the things you identify with are merely mental collective identifications derived from external sources? They are not you, and they will not accompany you after you die. Tolle calls this our “ego,” or derived sense of self.
Because the ego is not your true self, it can only exist by drawing on outside sources of energy. It feeds on the past (who you believe you are based on your past experiences, memories, and so on) and the future (Who you believe you want to be, based on beliefs and perceptions derived from outside influences). As long as you identify with your mind (and the ego-self it represents), it will be your greatest impediment to enlightenment.
Enlightenment is defined as “ascending above thought.” You will still use your mind in your enlightened state. The difference is that you can set it aside and quiet your mind whenever you want, implying that you use your mind but are not enslaved to it.
“Time,” like your ego, is a concept created by the human mind to help us function in the real world. “Clock time” is useful for tasks such as scheduling appointments and running meetings, as well as learning from the past and setting future goals. However, “time” is a deception. At this moment, the time is simply “now”—everything that has ever happened or been created occurred in the Now. It is the only true moment we will ever have.
However, the majority of us are trapped in the illusion of time. We spend the majority of our time thinking about the past or hoping for a better future. We are absent from the “Now,” which is the only real moment we have. Worse, we cause pain in the present by unconsciously resisting what is, whether through judgment or negativity.
Keeping your attention on the present moment entails several steps:
• Give up on “Creating Time.” If it is not necessary, learn to focus your mind away from the past but towards the future.
• Don’t obsess over your goals or rely on them for fulfillment, happiness, or even self-identity. Instead, concentrate on the present moment. Accept your current situation as if it were your choice. Then proceed with action.
• Act with “Present-Moment Awareness” and be present. Learn to direct your attention completely to the present moment, so that you are alert and aware but not thinking.
Although your physical body ages and fades over time, your inner body remains constant. The more you “inhabit” or bring consciousness into your body, the more your entire body appears to come alive. When you are present and connected to your timeless Inner Body, you raise your vibrational frequency, improve your natural self-healing ability, slow the aging process, and strengthen your immune system.

At first glance, the ideas in the power of now book appear simple, but there are many nuances and insights that can only be gained by experiencing the spiritual truths behind the words. In the Q&A format, Tolle presents them from various angles and perspectives. Although Tolle is not affiliated with any particular religion, he has been influenced by a wide range of spiritual works, and he makes numerous references to God, Christ, Jesus, and Buddha in this book, using these terms interchangeably with words such as “presence”, “Source”, and “the Unmanifested.”
“Pleasure comes from something outside of you, where as joy comes from within.”
The Power Of Now
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