The Power of Positive Thinking Book 

Miracle Morning
Miracle Morning

“You will be the one who succeeds. If one side is bound to fail, it is the problem, not you.”

The Power of Positive Thinking

The book’s content revolves around lessons on the power of thought in influencing reality, how to build trust in order to clarify life goals, and how to deal with problems of contemporary life Even if you don’t agree with the author’s arguments in the book, you may discover that confidence, optimism, and gratitude for those around you are the keys to a happy life. Let us face the challenge. As long as you confront it and don’t give up, the difficulty will disappear.

# 1: Believe in yourself

Author says in The power of positive thinking book to believe in yourself, have faith in your abilities, author says that without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be happy or successful, but having a sound self-confidence you can succeed, author says insecurity and inadequacy appear with the attainment of your hopes, but self-confidence gives you self-realization, which leads to success, so always have self-belief, always believe yourself and your potential, never underestimate yourself.

# 2: A peaceful mind generates power

According to the author The power of positive thinking, many problems arise as a result of mental thoughts. As a result, practicing emptying the mind is the primary method for achieving a mind full of peace. Have you ever felt a sense of relief after pouring out your problems, stress, and issues that weigh heavily on your heart? Have you ever felt a sense of relief after sharing your sorrows with someone you trust? Having that someone in your life whom you can trust and share anything with will always keep you and your mind at peace, and having a peaceful mind generates a positive power. As a result, try to keep your mind away from negative thoughts at all times. And keep one person in your life with whom you can share all of your worries and sorrows.

The Power of Positive Thinking Book 

# 3: How to have constant energy

Author of The power of positive thinking book says, How we think and feel has a definite effect on how we actually feel physically, if your mind tells you that you are tired, your body mechanism your muscles will accept that as a fact, thus if your mind is intensely interested in something, you will do that work with your 100 % focused, author says that religion functions through ideas, in fact, it is a system of thought discipline, author says by supplying attitude of faith to the mind and can boost your energy, so always think positively and try to be optimistic about your health and body.

# 4: Try prayer power

Author of The power of positive thinking says, experts in physical health and well-being frequently use prayer in their therapy. According to the author, disability, tension, and troubles can arise from a lack of inner harmony, and prayer has shown remarkable results in restoring the harmonious functioning of body and soul. You can have a life full of joy and satisfaction if you are positive. This book teaches you how to stay positive and how to deal with problems and sorrows in your life. The author says that you should never try to ignore your hardships and tragedies, but instead handle every situation with a positive mental attitude.

# 5: How to create your own happiness

According to the author of The power of positive thinking book, who decides whether you should be happy or not, who decides what you deserve and what you don’t, the answer is YOU, WHO DECIDES FOR YOUR OWN SELF. It is entirely up to us whether we choose happiness or stress. Life is only as good as you make it, so always choose happiness for yourself. As you may have noticed, children are more expert in happiness than adults, because children choose happiness for themselves and never allow negative energy to influence them. According to the author, a person who carries a child’s attitude and spirit into middle and old age is a true genius.

The Power of Positive Thinking Book 

# 6: Stop fuming and fretting

According to the author of The Power of positive thinking book, many people make their lives unnecessarily difficult by wasting their power and energy by fuming and fretting. Here, fuming means to boil up, blow off, be agitated, and fret means the same thing. Everyone should realize that positive thoughts and beliefs lead to positive outcomes. Positive thinking and beliefs will lead you down the right path and help you achieve your goals and success. The Power of Positive Thinking book is written to suggest some techniques and provide examples that demonstrate that you do not have to be defeated by everyday problems. According to this book, The Power of Positive Thinking, you can have peace of mind, improved health, and an endless flow of energy.

# 7: Expect the best and get it

In this chapter of The power of positive thinking, the author tells the story of a man whose son failed in every job, and it was difficult to understand why because he had everything, he came from a good family, his educational and business opportunities were above average, but still he was failing, everything he touched went wrong, that man’s son tried hard but still missed out on success, but later he found an answer for his failure and after practicing that response, he began to face success, he gained the touch of success, his personality began to focus, and his powers began to fuse.

When the author asked him the reason for his success and the reason for his sudden remarkable change, the young boy replied that a very simple answer made his life successful, he said a very simple thing changed everything and that simple thing is Believing, he said that he learned the magic of believing, he said that when you expect the worst, you get the worst, and when you expect the best, you get the best. According to the author , his sudden success was due to learning the most powerful law of the world, which was “LEARN TO EXPECT, NOT TO DOUBT.” Everything becomes possible as a result of such belief.

# 8: I don’t believe in defeat

The author suggests that if you are having thoughts of defeat, you should get rid of them because if you think of defeat, you will receive it. The author asks that you accept the attitude “I DON’T BELIEVE IN DEFEAT.”

# 9: How to break the worry habit

You don’t have to be the victim of worries, the author says, because you can reduce it by simply understanding what worry is. Worry, the author says, is simply an unhealthy and destructive mental habit that you acquired, and just as you can change any habit and acquired attitude, you can cast worry from your mind. Since aggressive and direct actions are required and very important in the elimination process, the author claims that there is only one proper and best time for attacking worries, and that time is right now, so begin overcoming and attacking your worry right now.

The Power of Positive Thinking

# 10: The power to solve personal problems

The author has shared some methods that can assist you in resolving personal issues.  According to the author, you should believe that there is a solution to every problem. Tension obstructs the flow of power though, and the brain cannot function properly under stress. Never force an answer; instead, keep your mind relaxed and wait for the answer to become clear and visible. Gather all of the facts in an impartial, impersonal, and judicial manner.

  • You should pray about your problems.
  • Have faith in your intuition and insight.


At the end of “The Power of Positive Thinking ”. Because of its practicality and meaningfulness, the book is highly recommended for people of all ages and walks of life. Turning the pages of a book reveals simple techniques that anyone can apply and practice in order to live a more fulfilling and respectful life. “The power of positive thinking” teaches us a simple lesson: our minds control our fate, guiding us to become whoever we want to be.



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